What juice cleanses the kidneys?

kidney cleanse

The kidneys are two vital organs that are located just below the ribcage on either side. They play a variety of vital functions within the body, including:

  • Eliminating waste products: The kidneys filter out excess water and other impurities from blood. These are then expelled from the body as urine.
  • Regulating electrolytes, fluids: The kidneys regulate electrolytes and fluids. This is essential for proper blood pressure, nerve function, and overall health.
  • Producing hormones. The kidneys produce several hormones. EPO stimulates the production red blood cells and renin regulates blood pressure.
  • Controlling pH: The kidneys regulate pH by eliminating excess acids and bases from the blood.

The kidneys are crucial in maintaining balance in various substances within the body. Any damage or dysfunction to the kidneys could have serious health implications.

What fruit or veggie juices help cleanse the kidneys?

Consuming a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, whole or in juice, can help improve your kidney health and provide essential vitamins, minerals, as well as antioxidants.

These fruits and vegetables are especially good for your kidney health:

  • Berries are high in antioxidants, which can protect the kidneys against damage.
  • Apples are rich in fiber and antioxidants that can support overall kidney health.
  • Cabbage: It contains compounds that can improve kidney function and decrease inflammation.
  • Celery: May reduce inflammation and improve kidney function
  • Beets are high in nitrates which can improve blood flow and possibly improve kidney function.

You should consult your healthcare provider before making any drastic changes in your diet, even a juice cleanse. It is important to stay hydrated during a juice cleanse, as it can cause damage to your kidneys.

celery juice